Announcement | Update-December 6
2024-12-06 00:00:00
Dear Operators,
We plan to conduct a non-stop update on December 6th. During the update, the playing and matchmaking will not be affected. If you encounter any anomaly after the update, you can try to restart the game to finish the update.
The main updates are as follows:
Balance Adjustments of Operators in Warfare
[Operator - Toxik]
● Reduced the time it takes to remove the drones after being disrupted by "Dragonfly" Swarm Drone.
● Reduced the blurring effect when disrupted by "Dragonfly" Swarm Drone.
● The radius of Blinding Gas is reduced to 4.5m.
[Operator - Hackclaw]
● Reduced the brightness of Flash Drone's flashing effect.
● The trigger distance of Flash Drone's max flashing time is reduced from 5m to 3m.
[Operator - Stinger]
● The radius of Smoke Grenade is reduced to 4.5m.
● The length of Smokescreen is adjusted to 25m.
● The lasting time of Smokescreen is reduced from 17s to 12s.
[Operator - D-wolf]
● The radius of Tactical Smoke Grenade is reduced to 4.5m.
Balance Adjustments of Operators in Operations
[Operator - Hackclaw]
● Reduced the brightness of Flash Drone's flashing effect.
[Bug Fixes]
● Fixed the issue whereby the Avatar obtained from the Black Hawk rank reward in ranked Operations cannot be found on the Avatar screen.
● Fixed the occasional brief black scope issue when ADS in Warfare.
● Fixed the abnormal blurring issue caused by Hackclaw's Flash Drone.
● Fixed the occasional issue that some operators cannot give up rescue in Warfare.
Above are the main updates. Thanks for your attention and support. Happy gaming!
Delta Force Team